Thanks everyone for coming with us on the exciting journey of revamping the Computer Science Graduate Society (CSGS) at McGill. In the previous term the new executive (see Executive Team, 2021-2022) embarked on several new initiatives and ran many fun events for you guys, our constitutents. Here is a short recap of our accomplishments this term, with exciting photos documenting them!
Virtual Game Nights (Jan. 20 and Feb. 10)
We ran two different virtual game nights in the beginning of the term, when things were still relatively closed from Omicron and as such we couldn’t run in-person events. The first was a Trivia Night, and the second was a Game Night with more varied games. Both events were smashing successes!

Thompson House (March 24)
Our first in-person event was at Thompson House, and was a fun time with lots of games and interesting conversations, including a particularly intense game of Spoons.

Hacker House (March 31)
Our next in-person event was Hacker House, a forum for students to casually present their own research to an audience of their peers, garnering feedback and generating interesting discussion.

Constitutional Referendum (Mar. 28 to Apr. 4)
We held a Constitutional Referendum to add a new Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Commissioner to our Constitution. The amendment passed with overwhelming support. For more information go to Constitutional Referendum Winter 2022.
BBQ at Beaver Lake (May 7)
We held an end-of-term BBQ Bash at Beaver Lake. A smashing success!

Mask Initiative (whole term)
In collaboration with PGSS, we provided CSGS members the option to pick up their N95 masks at the McConnell building, as part of PGSS’s Mask Distribution Drive. Read more here.
Logo Initiative (whole term)
We ran a Logo Contest for the new logo of the CSGS! The winner got $300 cash, second place $150, and third place $50. Here are the results!

Lounge Remodelling Initiative (whole term)
Throughout the entire term the Exec invested in remodelling the grad lounge (Room 203N in the McConnell Building) to make it the perfect lounge space for our constitutents! Modifications include adding a world map, purchasing a Nintendo Switch, buying a whiteboard, regularly stocking the fridge with drinks and the cupboards with snacks (for consumption during our Tea Times), and much more!

Thank you so much for coming on this journey with us in our attempt to bring the CSGS to new heights, and to foster social interaction between grad students in our department. Looking forward to the new year!