Here is your opportunity to get involved in executive team.

We are looking for VP Social and Chair! 

CSGS VP Social


a) Plan and execute social events and activities
b) Ensure that social events follow all applicable rules and laws c) Ensure all events are advertised to the Membership

(if interested email: csgs-execs AT

CSGS Chair

Responsibilities :
a) Be the designated correspondent of the Association to the Membership including: i) notification of all of the Association’s meetings/assemblies; and ii) distribution of meeting materials (e.g. agendas).
b) Act as Recording Secretary for Council Meetings and General Assemblies;
c) Maintain and organize up to date electronic (where appropriate) and paper (where appropriate) records of all of the Association’s documents including: i) financial records as provided by the VP Finance and Operations; i) Meeting records (agendas, minutes, etc…); ii) Documentation arising from the activities of the Executive; iii) Template and filled forms (e.g. Nomination Forms); iiii) The Association’s operations manual.

(if interested email: csgs-execs AT