Below are some key points discussed in CSGS meeting held on 24th Feb,2017.

Motion: out of the next CSGS budget, a minimum of $1000 shall be allocated for seminars, and a minimum of $1000 for 2 major social events. Prospectively, the two social events are (1) BBQ or CSUS-joint event early summer, and (2) BBQ in September.

Votes: unanimously passed.


Motion: VP Communication shall solicit input from CS grads if they any ideas for events and/or other avenues that CSGS can allocate budget for.

Votes: unanimously endorsed


Motion: VP Communication and VP Finance commit to updating the online Financial Statement with the latest budget spending no later than March 1st 2017.

Votes: unanimously endorsed


Motion: CSGS Chair is relieved of his post effective February 24th 2017.

Votes: unanimously passed


Motion: CSGS shall call for candidates to fill the vacant VP Social post. The President is tasked with soliciting candidacy and arranging with PGSS to setup the voting system.

Votes: unanimously passed


Motion: VP Academics commit to organizing a minimum of 5 seminars from February 2017 to November 2017.

Votes: unanimously endorsed


Motion: Whereas interaction between CS ungrads and grads can foster positive social and academic interaction, and give CSUS’s reachout to organize joint events with CSGS, the CS undergrads are invited to CSGS-organized seminars, with the understanding that CSUS will cover (1) 50% of the catering cost and handle (2) handle room bookings.

Votes: unanimously passed